AYLUS Syosset volunteers for Long Island Cares (7/12/24)

On 7/12/24, members of AYLUS Syosset helped to clean up and improve the garden at Long Island Cares, which is Long Island’s first food bank and is founded by Harry Chapin. Long Island Cares strives to provide for the needs of the community, and educate the public about the causes and effects of hunger on Long Island.

Despite the rain, members worked to remove the weeds from the garden beds and spread new soil over the old soil. After, members planted new plants such as tomatoes and eggplants in the previously weeded out garden beds, and then added and spread leaves on other garden beds that needed them. Lastly, members painted rocks as labels for the plants that were growing in the garden, to help identify them later.

Members that participated include: Anson Ye (2.5 hrs), Kingston Lu (2.5 hrs), Riley Lin (2.5 hrs), Ryan Lin (2.5 hrs), Vincent Ye (2.5 hrs), Brian Li (2.5 hrs), Richard Li (2.5 hrs), and Bryan Wan (2.5 hrs).

Updated: July 12, 2024 — 7:40 pm

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