College Station Branch Volunteers at the Brazos Valley Food Bank on July 11th

Reported by Andrew Li:

The College Station Branch of AYLUS volunteered at the Brazos Valley Food Bank, a non-profit organization serving people in need in the Brazos County area. On July 11th, members moved hundreds of pounds of food from the warehouse to pallets to be shipped to people in need. We also packaged 108 boxes of food totaling hundreds of pounds for direct distribution to families requiring meals.

The following 9 members volunteered for 3 hours from 1-4 PM CDT: Justin Palazzolo, Chloe Choi, Philip Wang, Linh Nguyen, Allen Li, Noah Kim, Ayman Veerani, David Zhang, and Ethan Wang

Updated: July 11, 2024 — 11:13 pm

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