AYLUS Roslyn Participates in Beach Cleanup and Bird Walk with Audubon NY (1st) on July 8th, 2024

On Monday, July 8th, 2024, members of the Roslyn AYLUS Branch volunteered with Audubon New York for a beach cleanup and bird walk from 6:00pm to 8:00 pm. Audubon NY’s mission is to protect the birds of the area, as well as their habitats. Today, volunteers helped pick up trash on the beach to ensure a clean habitat that is not harmful for birds in the region.

Volunteers were given gloves and buckets to help remove trash from the beach, as well as binoculars to observe birds flying by. Over the course of the two hours, we collected trash including water bottles, candy wrappers, bottle caps, cans, and other pieces of plastic. Because of the hot weather, we were determined to clean up quickly and efficiently. We walked along the shore to the end of the beach picking up trash, then back on the boardwalk watching birds nearby. Volunteers also used the binoculars to observe and learn about the different bird species living in Long Island.

We hope to make an impact in protecting bird species, especially those endangered, through making a safe and clean habitat for them to live and nest.


Brooke Zheng (2 hours), Kacie Li (2 hours)

Reporter: Brooke Zheng

Updated: July 10, 2024 — 5:02 pm

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