AYLUS Great Neck Branch Spreading Music Week 1( 7/7/2024)

On 7/7/2024, Aylus Great Neck began to expand our tutoring program to offer musical advice for the children of the community.

One student wanted to hone their piano skills — our volunteer Henry Xu taught from 10:00AM to 11:00AM.

Another student wanted to improve her flute skills, and our volunteer Ruiqi Liu taught her to play a short melody. They learnt how to start slow when practicing, how intonation works, and how harmony sounds nice. They had a lot of fun teaching and learning!

Both students were taught for about an hour, after which our volunteers said their goodbyes to the students.

Reported by: Ruiqi Liu


Yuhao (Henry) Xu – 1 hour

Ruiqi Liu – 1 hour

Updated: July 13, 2024 — 1:23 pm

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