Riverside County AYLUS Members Volunteer at a Local Senior Home on July 3rd, 2024

On July 3rd, 2024, several RCA members volunteered at a local senior home. As the seniors spend the majority of their time inside the facility, especially during the summer heat, entertainment within the home has become a more important factor. In order to keep their minds fresh and sharp, the senior home hosts several Bingo events a week. It’s a welcome entertainment for the seniors who love to check their cards for any matching numbers. The Riverside County AYLUS members assisted with several rounds of Bingo games, helped clean up and wipe down the tables and then moved to the dining hall to help set-up the table for the dinner service.

Playing different games throughout the week has become a fun event and the seniors love the interaction with the younger generation. RCA wants to keep supporting the senior home by lending a helping hand whenever time permits.

Holiday Rothermund, Sophie Chung, Evan Chang (2 hrs. each)

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