AYLUS Syosset helps at Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Audubon Center 7/5/24

On 7/5/24 members of AYLUS Syosset went to Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary to help shovel and spread woodchips around the sanctuary. Spreading woodchips is important in sustaining the environment as woodchips reduce the amount of weeds. Woodchips also retain moisture in the soil and help regulate temperatures. This can protect the roots of plants from the extreme heat in the summer and the cold during the winter.

Members who participated include (2hs for everyone): Jonathan Bao, Rita Bao, Kingston Lu, Darren Gao, Cynthia Chen, Christopher Chen, Riley Lin, Ryan Lin, Amanda Weng, Joycelyn Ye.

Updated: July 5, 2024 — 6:45 pm

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