AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families Through NOSH Delivery! Food Pantry (4th) on July 2nd, 2024

On Tuesday, July 2nd, from 9am to 12:30pm, the Roslyn Branch of Aylus volunteered at
NOSH Delivers.

NOSH Delivers started as a nonprofit organization, delivering food to families in the
pandemic. The mission of NOSH Delivers is to increase the access to food in the North
Shore community. NOSH is now open four days a week providing food supplements for
families in need. They also provide food deliveries and a food hotline for those who don’t
have access to transportation. Today, AYLUS Roslyn volunteers created an assembly line
filling bags with produce and meat items. After the bags were made, some volunteers and
their parents drove to the recipients homes to deliver the bags. NOSH Delivers has an
indoor food pantry area that people can shop from, being assisted by us volunteers.The
volunteers help by offering assistance in what kinds of food to buy, listing options to choose
from or providing the amount of items customers are allowed to receive. The other area that
people received food was the farmers market where people could receive fresh produce
and meat products with the other food they got.

We finally ended off the volunteering session with a quick cleanup of the area;
flattening boxes, folding chairs and taking down tents. This volunteering opportunity taught
us a lot about community and the importance of giving back to other people in your area.
Members that participated include:

Isabelle Tsui (3.5 hours), Natalie Tsui (3.5 hours), Anita Chen (3.5 hours), Katrina Chen (3.5
hours), Jolina Wu (3.5 hours)

Reporter: Natalie Tsui

Updated: July 3, 2024 — 4:01 pm

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