The AYLUS Bellaire Branch volunteered at the Nature Discovery Center for International Mud Day on Saturday, June 29, 2024

On Saturday, June 29, 2024, The AYLUS Bellaire Branch volunteered at the Nature Discovery Center for International Mud Day. Mud Day is an annual event for kids to wallow in the mud, stomp in it, paint with it, build with it, make mud pies, and more while having an enjoyable time.


Volunteers set up the mud painting station by mixing dirt and water to make mud, and adding in different colored paint to create mud paint. Volunteers assisted in preparing paper, encouraged children to paint using a variety of colors. They left out finished paintings in the sun to dry, and hanged up paintings around the playground and park to showcase the children’s artwork. Afterward, members helped clean up the paint, hosed down and cleaned the muddy brushes and bottles, and threw away trash. Volunteers helped take down signs, bring supplies back to the main center, put them out to dry on picnic tables and benches, return wheelbarrows and foldable pools to the shed, and refill the empty paint bottles.



Members who volunteered:

9:30am – 2:30pm (5 hours): Miranda Wang, Feifan Liu, Sheila Liu

9:30am – 12pm (2.5 hours): Sophia Li, Matthew Zong

12pm – 2:30pm (2.5 hours): Megan Wang


Reported by Miranda Wang


Updated: July 1, 2024 — 4:08 pm

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