AYLUS RSM Volunteers Crossline Church Pick Orange Activity June 29

June 29 morning, over twelve participate came to help picking orange at some far place. It also felt like a huge event. This event activity included picking orange off the trees and then wash them, put them in a box. You have to make sure that the branches don’t get pulled off with it, and you can’t pick greenish orange or else it could cause disease when eating it. This is honestly a difficult event, because it is a hot day and the trees are pretty tall, on top of that there is limited ladder which make picking orange a lot difficult. Although it is still pretty fun. The Crossline Church usually involve giving food to people in need and this is exactly where the orange will go after the event.

Derek Liu 6 hour

Yufei Liu 6 hour

Henry Sun 6 hour

Evangeline Dou 6 hour

Hannah Gu 6 hour

Sansi Wu 6 hour

PengPeng Zhang 6 hour

ShengSheng Zhang 6 hour

Songze Wang 6 hour

Yansong Shi 6 hour

Steven Zhou 6 hour

Danny Wang 6 hour






























Updated: July 2, 2024 — 3:37 am

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