Youth Entrepreneur: Pearland Branch Organized Plant and veggie online Sale Fundraiser on June 30, 2024

In June 2024, the AYLUS Pearland Branch organized a highly successful online plant and
vegetable sale fundraiser. The event, running from June 7 th to June 30 th , aimed to raise funds for
community service projects while promoting healthy eating and environmental sustainability. A
diverse range of plants and vegetables were sourced from volunteer’s backyard garden,
ensuring high-quality products for the community.

Volunteers (2 hours) Alvin Zheng, Alia Jiang, Christy Zheng, Zide Liu

Parents on duty: Carol L. (Aila), Erica J. (Alvin/Christy), Mia L. (Zide)

Updated: June 30, 2024 — 9:56 pm

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