Woodbridge CT Branch Helping at Local Basketball Tournament June 24, 2024

For the 4th Annual CBT Alumni Basketball Tournament, AYLUS Woodbridge and event organizers provided essential support and ensure the tournament’s smooth execution. Our team arrived early to assist with preparations and stayed through the majority of the event. Throughout the tournament, our group actively participated in signing in guests and players, ensuring a smooth and efficient check in process. We also distributed team shirts to the participants, ensuring everyone was ready to play.

By volunteering at the 4th Annual CBT Alumni Basketball Tournament, AYLUS Woodbridge demonstrated its dedication to fostering a vibrant community and supporting initiatives that have a lasting positive impact. The event highlighted the importance of teamwork and the role we can play in promoting community involvement and enriching local events.


Jason Hunag – 7 hours

Joyce Zhang – 7 hours

Joseph Flynn – 7 hours

Olivia Mank – 7 hours

Ivan Zhang – 7 hours


Reported by Weiming Ni

Updated: June 30, 2024 — 6:30 am

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