AYLUS RSM Volunteers Corssline Church Food Pantry June 25-28

June 25 Only two volunteers to help out at the Crossline Church food pantry. These people are PengPeng Zhang and Hongjing Chen. They stuff they did is mostly just some clean up stuff, they also packed food that will be delivered instead of packing them onto people’s car trunk. It gets pretty hot this day, so it is a pretty rough time to work outside in the heat. Despite the heat, they will push forward and finished the job.

PengPeng Zhang 3.5 hour

Hongjing Chen 2.5 hour









June 28 A lot of volunteers appear on each day to help out at the Crossline Church food pantry. The heat of the sun still up, but luck for them they have to wake up early that day due to the fact that there’s less participate before so there is more work to do, so suck that they have to wake up early on summer, but also lucky that the sun wasn’t up that time yet.  They did the usual stuff packing food and loaded them into peoples’ trunk, this food will be sent to people in need or if they just want some supplies.

Yufei Lu 5 hour

Sansi Wu 4 hour

PengPeng Zhang 5 hour

Yansong Shi 4.5 hour

Songze Wang 4.5 hour

Evangeline Dou 4.5 hour



















Updated: June 30, 2024 — 11:56 pm

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