AYLUS Roslyn Volunteers at the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County’s Group Home (18th) on June 29th, 2024

On Saturday, June 29th, 2024, from 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM, the Roslyn and Great Neck
Branch of AYLUS volunteered at the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County in
Roosevelt (CP Nassau). CP Nassau has been assisting individuals with disabilities
since 1948, helping them move forward to reach their highest level of independence.
Today 2 members of the Roslyn Branch and 3 members of the Great Neck Branch
came together and prepared activities for the residents. Although not all residents
wanted to participate, we made an active effort to include everyone and everyone still
had a great time. We started with making two different flavors of jello with fruits, mixing
together the packets and cutting up fruits. We assisted the resident in using a fork to cut
a banana into smaller pieces. As the jello was setting in the fridge, we moved onto
games. The giant Connect Four was a success, as the resident wanted to play multiple
tournament-style rounds. After Connect Four, we took a liking to the animal puzzles. We
took turns piecing together all the different puzzles, even trying some different methods
in competition. Lastly, we played some Bingo before moving to art and crafts. The Bingo
was also a big hit! The resident and volunteers all played multiple rounds of the game.
Wrapping up the games, we started crafts. Using acrylic markers and stickers on fabric
bags, volunteers helped the residents color and decorate the bag. Volunteers even
made bags for the residents who were unavailable today so they could have a
keepsake when they returned.

Throughout the different activities, we learned how to accommodate the residents,
despite facing some challenges. Overall, all residents and volunteers had a fun time
during the three hours. Not only were we able to help the residents but also the staff of
the home. The ability to help others requires empathy and patience, a trait that can be
used in everyday life. We feel so lucky to have been able to volunteer at CP Nassau and hope to continue!

Angelika Jiang (R, 3 hours), Maxim Li (R, 3 hours), Maggie Xiao (GN, 3 hours), Serena
Chen (GN, 3 hours), HaoYang Sun (GN, 3 hours)
Reporter: Angelika Jiang

Updated: June 30, 2024 — 4:58 pm

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