AYLUS Great Neck Branch Organizes Weekly Sport Event(24th) on 6/28/2024

On June 28th, 2024 AYLUS Great Neck Branch put on their weekly Friday sports day initiative, helping the special needs child and help boost physical activities for not only the kids who attended this event, but also the volunteers. On this day, we did fun activities like playing volleyball with a group of people, and playing in the water with the special needs child. All the kids had an amazing time in all the fun activities they indulged in. Events like these create a supportive and fun environment where all kids can participate equally, and also promote physical activity at the same time. Such initiatives indeed contribute to promoting a healthy lifestyle and ensuring that children with special needs feel included and comfortable.

Report by: Sabrina Yang

Volunteers who participated(1.5hrs): Zoe Xia, Austin Wang, Sabrina Yang, Derek Gao, Cody Ngo, Andrew Qian, Melody Fan.


Updated: June 30, 2024 — 1:07 am

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