Slam n Splash (#126): Pearland Branch Community Swimming Class (#65) – 6/27/2024

On Thursday, June 27th, three competitive swimmers and volunteers from AYLUS Pearland  – Yurong, Yushan, and Jordana taught swimming lessons to community kids. This is the 4th lesson in a 9-week-long series.


 Jordana helped Berry with his backstroke, focusing more on staying on top of the water, kicking more, and tilting his head back so he wouldn’t sink. Yushan helped Darren improve his backstroke by telling him to tilt his head back and make a lot of white water so his legs could kick to the top of the water instead of under the water. Yurong taught Andy how to float on top of the water and use his legs to kick more so he could swim faster. Yurong also helped Andy and Darren with their butterfly kick and worked on how they should move their arm and when they should breathe.


This lesson was very efficient with everyone either learning something new or improving their technique and skill. All the children had a lot of fun and were extremely excited to race each other with the new stroke they had learned.



6/27/2024 (1 hour):: Yurong Qiu, Yushan Qiu, Jordana Zhao

Parent on duty (1 hour): Hongmei Ruan (Yurong/Yushan) and Lingling Zhang (Jordana Zhao)

Updated: June 28, 2024 — 7:58 pm

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