Slam n Splash (#123): Pearland Branch Teaching Community Swimming Lesson (#62) on June 20, 2024

On Thursday, June 20th, and Saturday, three competitive swimmers and volunteers from AYLUS Pearland – Yurong, Yushan, and Jordana taught swimming lessons to community kids. This is the 1st and 2nd lessons in a 9-week-long series.

After the orientation and safty training conducted on 6/18, during the first class Yurong, Yushan, and Jordana helped Andy, Darren, and Berry work on the first stroke freestyle, starting their freestyle with a kick using a kickboard, teaching them to keep a steady kick and make white water.

Jordana taught Berry how to move his arms in freestyle and breathe to the side without splashing the water with his arm.  Yushan worked with Darren on breathing in freestyle telling him to breathe every 2-3 strokes and turning his head when breathing. Yurong worked on Andy’s freestyle kick teaching him different ways he can kick faster and how to kick on his side to help with his breathing.


6/18/2024 (0.5 hr): Yurong Qiu, Yurong Qiu, Jordana Zhao

6/20/2024 (1 hr): Yurong Qiu, Yushan Qiu, Jordana Zhao

Parent on duty (1.5 hrs) Hongmei Ruan (Yurong/Yushan) and Lingling Zhang (Jordana Zhao)

Updated: June 27, 2024 — 7:34 pm

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