AYLUS Roslyn Volunteers at the Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County’s Group Home (17th) on June 22nd, 2024

On Saturday, June 22nd, 2024, from 1 pm to 4 pm, members of AYLUS Roslyn volunteered at a CP Nassau group home in Levittown. CP Nassau (The Cerebral Palsy Association of Nassau County) is a non profit that assists individuals with disabilities with the goal of them reach independent. Group homes are where a few residents live and have staff there 24 hours a day to help them out with their daily life.

We decided to bake, play games, and create crafts with the residents. We baked cupcakes with rainbow sprinkles. We let the residents help out as much as they could by mixing, pouring ingredients, and stirring. The cupcakes became a huge success as they came out perfectly risen. The residents also decorated the cupcakes with frosting. They would move around the piping bag while we supported them by squeezing or holding the bag up. One of the residents with a beautiful singing voice sand God Bless America for us. We also played a few rounds of UNO with the residents that became quite competitive where everyone was laughing and having fun. We had card holders so the residents who couldn’t hold their cards could see them. Finally, the last thing we did was do arts and crafts with the residents. Even a resident who is blind created art with us. We made several picture frames and a bird house.

We learned that if we help people out, they can accomplish many things no matter their limitations. We saw that the residents have a lot of determination and skills. The residents enjoyed our time there and have requested to see us again.

Members who participated include:

Maxim Li (3 hours), Maggie Xiao (3 hours), Leah Chan (3 hours), Brian Xiong (3 hours), Eric Xiong (3 hours), Zihan Wang (3 hours)

Reporter: Leah Chan

Updated: June 27, 2024 — 12:45 am

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