Slam n Splash (#124) Pearland Branch Community Swimming Classes (#63) 6/22/2024

On June 22, 2024, Jordana helped Berry with his freestyle focusing more on his arms and his breathing. Yurong taught Andy how to float on his back and how he should move his arms. Yushan helped Darren focus more on his freestyle such as how he should breathe and not move his head when he swims. Toward the end of class Andy, Berry, and Darren, all raced each other in freestyle kick to have them see what it is like to swim competitively, and they all enjoyed it.

The lesson was very efficient, and everyone learned something new and improved. The children enjoyed the lesson very much, having fun, laughing, and making friends, and especially enjoyed the race they had towards the end.


6/22/2024 (1 hour): Yurong Qiu, Yushan Qiu, Jordana Zhao

Parent on duty (1 hour): Hongmei Ruan (Yurong/Yushan) and Lingling Zhang (Jordana Zhao)

Updated: June 27, 2024 — 7:36 pm

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