AYLUS Syosset helps campaign for Wendy Li # 6/23/24 & 6/24/24

On 6/23/24 & 6/24/24, members of AYLUS Syosset went all around flushing, queens, and corona to hand out fliers to campaign for Wendy Li for surrogate court judge. This role is important because the term they serve is 14 years. During these years they have to make important decisions such as ensuring that assets are distributed according to the deceased person’s wishes or, in the absence of a will, according to state law, jurisdiction over adoption proceedings, making critical decisions about the legal and permanent transfer of parental rights, they handle guardianship cases, including appointing guardians for minors and incapacitated adults. These are just some of the roles that surrogate court judges have to make, with these important decisions we have to choose the right person for the job. This is why it is important to campaign for the right person. Despite the heat, AYLUS Syosset members stood outside handing out fliers for hours.


Members who participated on 6/23/24 include: Jonathan Bao (6h) Rita Bao (6h) Kyle Bao (6h) Suiwai Li (6h) Suiying Li (6h) Kenneth Shi (6h) Anson Ye (6h)

Members who participated on 6/24/24 include: Jonathan Bao (6h) Kyle Bao (6h) Felix Zheng (6h) Kenneth Shi (6h) Anson Ye (6h)

Updated: June 30, 2024 — 2:10 am

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