AYLUS RSM Volunteers Crossline Church Food Pantry June 18-21

June 18-21 A lot of volunteers appear on each day to help out at the Crossline Church food pantry. It is kind of a rough time for lot of the participate as the temperature in summer rises. But even with the heat, each of them works extremely hard in the heat waves. As usual they packed food and loaded them into peoples’ trunk, this food will be sent to people in need or if they just want some supplies. This activity can help train each individual working capability and also taught them method to work as a team.

June 18

Yufei Liu 4 hour

PengPeng Zhang 4 hour

Yansong Shi 4 hour

Songze Wang 4 hour

Ethan Zhang 4 hour

Danny Wang 4 hour





















June 19

Yufei 4.5 hour

Ethan Zhang 3 hour

PengPeng Zhang 4.5 hour

Yansong Shi 4 hour

Songze Wang 4 hour












June 21

Yufei Liu 4.5 hour

Songze Wang 4 hour

Yansong Shi 4 hour

PengPeng Zhang 4 hour


Updated: June 23, 2024 — 11:45 pm

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