SMILE 4 Special Needs (#162): Pearland Branch Teaching Bucket Drumming at GiGi’s Playhouse (#6) – June 20, 2024

In the afternoon of June 20, 2024, AYLUS Pearland volunteers conducted a bucket drumming lesson at GiGi’s Playhouse Sugar Land for teens with Down syndrome. They taught six participants the basics of bucket drumming, including how to produce different sounds by striking various parts of the bucket. The session involved each participant taking turns following the rhythm of a popular song, fostering a sense of rhythm and teamwork. After the bucket drumming session, the volunteers also engaged the participants with a fun balloon twisting activity, creating various balloon shapes and designs for them to enjoy.
Volunteers (2hrs): Suya Yang, Aila Jiang
Parent on duty: Carol L(2hrs)
Updated: June 22, 2024 — 10:41 pm

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