Riverside County AYLUS Members Help Local Food Bank on June 12th, 2024

Several Members of the RCA branch got together on June 12th, 2024 to lend a helping hand to a local Food Bank.

The members worked at the back of the warehouse were most of the donations are organized by different categories. From snacks, to cans to drinks, everything was sorted and organized. They carried several packed boxes over to the sorting table and started to sort through what was appointed to them. They also taped some of the ripped donation boxes back together. Several members also helped with packing fruits into different donation bags while others were also busy packing the different carts and weighting them at the weighting station.

9:00am-12:00pm Sophie Chung, Kayden Nguyen, Daniel Tran, Kyan Chang, Evan Chang (3 hrs. each)

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