Columbus Branch Local Baseball Miracle League on June 15th, 2024

On Saturday, June 15th, two AYLUS members Henry Wang and Hannah Wang volunteered with the Miracle League for its Picture Day. The Miracle League, located at Darree Fields, is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping kids and teenagers with disabilities play baseball. The volunteers arrived at Darree Fields at 8:45 AM, 15 minutes before pictures were scheduled to start, to assist with setup. They helped tape down mats, set up lights, and put up posters. Once Picture Day began, Henry managed all the forms and money, placing them into envelopes and handing them to Hannah. Meanwhile, Hannah organized the envelopes and recorded any information the photographer needed. As a team, they efficiently managed the forms, money, and pictures, making picture day a huge success. By the end of their session, they had successfully photographed four teams.

Volunteer Hours:

Hannah Wang: 4 hours

Henry Wang: 4.5 hours

Reported by Henry Wang

Updated: June 21, 2024 — 4:11 pm

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