2024/6/16 AYLUS Volunteers helps LISOC students graduate

2024/6/16 AYLUS Volunteers helps LISOC students graduate


On June 16, the Chinese Long Island school had their graduation ceremony to commemorate a long and difficult year of learning. At USDAN, the volunteers arrived early in the morning to prepare for the ceremony and set up the event.


In order for a smooth graduation ceremony for the students, volunteers performed various tasks before their arrival. This includes: setting up tables and chairs, assigning seats for each class/grade, preparing food for after the ceremony, preparing the stage for performances during the ceremony. 


Upon arrival of students along with their parents, volunteers guided them to their seats and handed out brochures for audience pleasure. Additionally, side work was done to prevent complications or hindrances. 


Nearing afternoon, while the ceremony was coming to an end, volunteers quickly cleaned up after trash and stacked tables and chairs to tidy up the area. Taking down decor while leading families out, volunteers worked diligently.

Volunteers: Jason Chen(5.5 hours), RuXue Jiang(6.5 hours), Bryan Fan(3 hours), Jonathan Fan(3 hours)

Updated: June 17, 2024 — 12:53 am

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