SMILE 4 Special Needs: Pearland Branch Teaching Bucket Drumming at GiGi’s Playhouse (#2) on June 12, 2024

On June 12, 2024, AYLUS Pearland volunteers conducted a bucket drumming lesson at GiGi’s Playhouse Houston for adults with Down syndrome. They taught eight participants the basics of bucket drumming, including the different sounds produced by striking various parts of the bucket. The session involved taking turns following the rhythm of a popular song. Participants were rewarded with bath bombs and raffle tickets, which can be used to win prizes at the end of the project.
Volunteers (2.5 hours)
Aila Jiang, Tina Dong, Ivan Wei, Andy Shi
Parent on duty (2.5 hours): Carol Li (Aila)
Updated: June 16, 2024 — 4:55 pm

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