AYLUS Roslyn Provides Food to Local Families Through NOSH Delivery! Food Pantry (2nd) on June 15, 2024

On Saturday June 15th, the Roslyn branch volunteered with NOSH Delivers! food pantry from 9am to 12pm. The goal of this event is to help provide food and groceries to those in need to support their families.

For multiple days every week, and every other Saturday, NOSH holds this event to allow anyone to pick up all kinds of food. In the pantry, some of these include canned vegetables and beans, soup, pasta, rice, salad mix, a variety of drinks, and all different types of snacks. Then there is another Farmer’s market with fresh produce including vegetables, fruits, eggs, yogurt, meat, and bread.

Depending on the day, NOSH reaches up to around 100 customers. The families may range from 3 to 10 people. For those who have 6 or over, volunteers will give them double the amount. By supplying people with great necessities, volunteers are making a significant impact on people’s nutrition values!

Volunteers will first help serve incoming customers by taking their ticket in number order and then directing them along the pathway of foods. We help them with their bags, and place the foods they choose into their bags. This way we can follow the food limit so there is enough for everyone. In the produce section, we pre-pack the fruits and vegetables into plastic bags to be ready to give out.

When there are less people, we help restock and reorganize the shelves so the foods are more accessible and easy to find. We also took empty boxes and flattened them to be easier to compact.

Overall, this was a impactful experience that helped educate us in acknowledging that there are many families who may not have enough food. By volunteering to help, we are spreading greater joy in people’s lives. Of course, are goal is to provide the most to everyone who needs.

Members who participated: Natalie Tsui (3 hours), Isabelle Tsui (3 hours), Serena Wu (3 hours), Jolina Wu (3 hours), Charlotte Wu (3 hours), and Adrian Jin (3 hours).
Reporter: Serena Wu

Updated: June 16, 2024 — 3:51 am

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