AYLUS Great Neck Branch Volunteered at Stepping Stone Park for GNCA BBQ Party on 6/15/2024

This annual event is a day when the Chinese community in Great Neck comes together to celebrate, with the original intention of fostering community unity and building neighborly relationships. Today was incredibly busy, with volunteers working tirelessly from 2 PM to 8 PM. Everyone’s efforts have been commendable, making the event a resounding success.

Our team worked hard throughout the day, starting with activities at the state park in the morning and then transitioning to hosting a BBQ in the afternoon. Their dedication is truly admirable. We organized various games and activities at the park, ensuring all the children had a fantastic time. Our team helped set up the BBQ area, arranged tables and chairs, and ensured everything was in place for the guests. Kevin Zhang showcased strong leadership skills by organizing and coordinating the event. He managed the volunteer schedules, ensured every task was covered, and kept the event running smoothly. Kevin also coordinated with local vendors for supplies and maintained communication between different teams. Our young helper, Yuya Liu, an elementary school student, excelled in making balloons. She not only assisted with balloons but also proactively sought additional tasks, helping with the BBQ food prep, which was heartwarming to see. Yuya’s enthusiasm and willingness to help out wherever needed was truly inspiring. High school students Melody Li and Cynthia Bai were exceptionally patient, painting faces for children non-stop without taking a break. Their artistic skills brought smiles to many young faces, with kids lining up eagerly to get their favorite designs painted. The dedication and patience they exhibited were truly commendable.They are also some usually shy boys actively engaging with kids, building blocks, playing games, and having a great time. Their involvement helped create a lively and inclusive atmosphere, allowing children of all ages to enjoy the event. The boys organized impromptu games, supervised younger kids, and ensured everyone was included in the fun. Because of all the volunteers contributions, this event was more successful and joyful. The sense of community and teamwork was palpable, and the joy on everyone’s faces was a testament to the hard work and effort put in by all volunteers. Thank you, everyone, for your great effort and dedication!

Reported by: Fanxi Xia

Volunteers who participated: Yuya Liu,Zhaoxi Chen,Tiffany Zhang,Qifeng Han,Yingxiang Liu,Felicia Liu,Maggie Xiao, Cynthia Bai,Melody Li ,Brian Zhang,Kevin li 5hrs(2PM-7PM)
Serena Chen, Kevin Zhang,Rebecca Xu,Fanxi Xia(Francie), Zoe Xia 6hrs(2PM-8PM)



Updated: June 16, 2024 — 1:47 am

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