AYLUS Great Neck Branch Organizes Weekly Sports Event (22nd) For Special Needs Children On 6/14/2024

On June 14, 2024, AYLUS’s Great Neck branch hosted its weekly Friday psychotherapeutic sessions. In which, we aim to help shy kids open up toward others, socialize more, make new friends and improve self esteem. Our volunteers—Zoe Xia, Andrew Qian, Cody Ngo, Adena Yang, Yuya Liu, Austin Wang, Melody Fan, Shaoyu Guo and Yucheng Fu—arrived at the Firefighter Park at 5:30 pm spent a wonderful evening with the kids through a variety of sporting activities like table tennis, volleyball, and we even played in the water field at the park. On top of that, the parents and volunteers taught the kids how to skip rubber bands—a traditional Chinese jump roping game. Through these activities, they learned how to be active, socialize and join the fun in a meaningful and and engaging manner. We’re excited to see when kids smile at the little things, such as this one half hour long time we shared as a group. We hope to organize and participate in more events like this with the kids in our community.


Report by: Yucheng Fu
Hours (5:30pm-7:00pm): Zoe Xia, Andrew Qian, Cody Ngo, Adena Yang, Yuya Liu, Austin Wang, Melody Fan, Shaoyu Guo and Yucheng Fu (1.5 hours)

Updated: June 16, 2024 — 1:09 am

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