Murrieta AYLUS Lends a Hand to The Little Garden of Hope Project (32nd) (6/10/2024)

Reported by Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu :

On June 10th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members helped out with the Little Garden of Hope Project. The weather had gotten hotter these past few days so the soil had become hard and dry. The members were also disappointed to see that many of the plants had been eaten by small animals and insects. Nevertheless, they started working on their first task—tidying the garden. They each worked on a different area—some raked the leaves, some trimmed the plants, and others focused on weeding the beds. After they were done, the members moved on to watering the plants, making sure the soil in each bed was thoroughly soaked before moving on to the next one. The staff of Jacob’s House came out to the garden to express their appreciation for the work the members were doing and took pictures of them working to post on their socials. The members chatted with the staff about the garden for a while before getting back to work. They dug holes carefully separated the pumpkin sprouts they had brought, placed them in the holes, and pressed them firmly to make sure the sprouts were able to stand. After watering the beds some more and adjusting the sprinkler system, the members placed their gloves and tools back and ended their work.

Volunteers :

Aiying Lu / Hsin Chen(Julie) Lu : 12:45 pm – 2:20 pm / 1.5 hrs ea

Wei Liu / Adora Xiao / Caien(Daisy) Chen / LingXuan(Justin) Zhang : 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm 1 hr ea


Updated: July 21, 2024 — 8:55 pm

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