On June 8th, the Greater Princeton & Far Beyond Branch of AYLUS (GPA) Leadership Team hosted an open-to-the public event. The GPA leaders spoke to the public and promoted youth volunteerism among our community. The speakers shared their experience on how to create unique projects to serve the community with the non-AYLUS attendants.
AYLUS promotes the development of its members’ creativity, leadership, and initiatives. AYLUS members can report volunteer hours so that all the significant contributions can be recorded and rewarded. Volunteers will receive recognition according to the hours they contributed to conducting educational activities, organizing good-will events, carrying out community service projects, etc. Volunteers who have accumulated sufficient service hours with AYLUS are eligible to apply for a certificate for the President’s Volunteer Service Award.
GPA Volunteers (6/8, 11-2pm, setup, registration, exhibition, and cleanup, 3 hrs for all): Jerry Chen, Eric Li, Dylan Li, Tom Cui, Chenhao Luo, Carl Shi, Xiaohui Zhang, Cynthia Shi, Maxwell Mao, Zichen Ling, Emma Liu, Yitong Huang, Jingxin Zhong, Brian Chen, Terrence Chen, Joey Deng, Xintong Si, Sophia Yu, Martin Zhao, Owen Zhao, Kayson Qian, George Chen, James Yang, Emma Yang, Alice Wang, Alexander Wang, Grant Li, Garland Li