Aylus Greater Triangle 6/8/2024 Launches Open Sky Book Club to Help New Immigrants Read Aloud


AYLUS volunteers are assisting new immigrants in integrating into American society by promoting English communication through activities such as reading aloud and discussing current affairs. Building upon this, the “Open Sky Book Club” program has been launched, not only aiding new immigrant children in improving English reading and language skills but also creating an online platform for cultural exchange in English for Chinese teenagers.

Due to a lack of confidence and practice, new immigrants often find it challenging to speak English aloud. However, this initiative provides an excellent platform to enhance their language fluency and boost their confidence in expressing their viewpoints.

1: sky tianyi Han (1hour)

2: Tiger Shi (1hour)

3: Michae chen(1hour)
4.Chenyue Li(1hour)
5. Yuyang Luo(1hour)
6. Alex Zhang(1hour)
7. zhe Wang(1hour)
8.Helen Wang(1hour)

    recorder:   sky tianyi Han

Updated: June 19, 2024 — 9:26 pm

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