SMILE 4 Special Needs (#125): Pearland Branch Taught at SNCC Day Hab (#87) on June 5th, 2024

Entering the fourth year of the youth-supported Adult Day Hab for special needs program, AYLUS Pearland volunteers organized an art lesson on June 5th, 2024, where participants learned to draw a Blue Jay using markers. For those unable to draw, coloring pages were provided. Additionally, they designed a session on Blue Jay-related skills, including symbolic meanings and habitats.

AYLUS lead instructors used this opportunity to teach the individuals with special needs how to create PowerPoint presentations and search for information online, demonstrating a newly designed integrated teaching approach based on three years of experience. The curriculum was designed and prepared by volunteers with professional guidance, integrating various skill training around a central theme. Different levels of teaching were implemented to cater to individual needs.

It was a very successful first class using this approach. Both volunteers, LSA professionals, and SMILE campers were satisfied with the new way of teaching.


Katherine Wu (7.5 hours), Selena Zhang (7.5 hours), Junxi Zhang (6.5 hours), Roy Zheng (6.5 hours), Aila Jiang(4.5 hours)

Updated: August 5, 2024 — 5:05 pm

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