AYLUS RSM Volunteers The PEACE Farm At Saddleback Rancho Capistrano May 4-25 2024

May 4th

Saturday Morning May 4th, three participate joined to help out at PEACE Farm at Saddleback Rancho Capistrano. The three people are Matthew Zhang, Sansi Wu, and Danny Wang. They came and decided to help on setting up planters for freshly new crops to come in. These crops will be donated to people in need.

Matthew Zhang 2 hour

Sansi Wu 2 hour

Danny Wang 2 hour








May 18th

Saturday Morning May 18th, only one joined this time. Although there’s only one participate, it could still make a difference than no participate volunteers. The one that decide to help out is Sansi Wu. Based on the picture, it has seemed that he has worked extremely hard on harvesting the carrots and doing other hard labor.

Sansi Wu 2 hour







May 25

Saturday Morning May 25, over five participate joined. This is honestly a huge number, and it would gradually increase the efficiency of the working space. The people are Ethan Zhang, Matthew Zhang, Danny Wang, Sansi Wu and Derek Liu. They did similar things before, the plants are done growing, the soil in the planter are bad, so they have to take the plants out and fertilize the soil with new better soil so new freshly grown crops could go in.

Ethan Zhang 2.5 hour

Matthew Zhang 2.5 hour

Danny Wang 2.5 hour

Sansi Wu 2.5 hour

Derek Liu 2.5 hour








Updated: June 3, 2024 — 12:31 am

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