Pearland Branch Volunteered Summer Swimming Lessons for Local Community on May 31st, 2024

On Friday, May 31 st , 2024, a group of AYLUS volunteers and competitive swimmers – Edwin,
Eddie, and Andy – helped to teach and improve several children’s swimming techniques. This is
the third lesson that is part of a 2 week long series. At the beginning of the lesson, volunteers
reviewed what they had previously taught in the lesson on Wednesday. Edwin helped refine
Kevin and Darren’s freestyle stroke techniques such as breathing on their side and keeping their
kicks up. Eddie worked on Emma and Caroline’s backstroke, breaststroke, and the basics of
flip-turning. Meanwhile, Andy worked with Audrey to progress her freestyle kick and floating.
The lesson was an overall success with everyone having either improved or learned something
new. The children enjoyed the lesson very much and were very energetic when it came to
racing each other in a friendly competition after learning their new techniques.


2 hours: Eddie Fu
1.5 hours: Edwin Gao, Andy Shi
Parent on duty: Wenqi Xi (Eddie F.)

Updated: June 1, 2024 — 4:22 am

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