Pearland Branch Volunteered Summer Swimming Lessons for Local Community on May 27th, 2024

On Monday, May 27th, 2024, a group of AYLUS volunteers and competitive swimmers – Edwin,
Eddie, Andy, and Ranbin – helped to teach and improve several kid’s swimming techniques. This
lesson represented the first in a series spanning 2 weeks. At the beginning of the class, volunteers gave students a detailed orientation and safety training. Andy and Ranbin helped the more experienced swimmers, Emma, Kevin, and Caroline, to better refine their skills, including improving their kick and body position. Meanwhile, Edwin and Eddie worked with Audrey, Nolan, and Darren on simpler skills such as floating and breathing.

The lesson was a success overall and everyone enjoyed it, with the kids seemingly in high spirits racing each other at the end.


5/20 (1 hour) Design Flyer: Eddie Fu

5/27 (2.5 hours): Edwin Gao, Eddie Fu, Andy Shi, Ranbin Yao

Parent on duty: Wenqi Xi (Eddie F.)

Updated: May 29, 2024 — 1:00 am

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