Murrieta AYLUS Helps Local Senior Center (60th) ( 5/26/2024)

Reported by Hsin Chen (Julie) Lu

On May 26th, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS members volunteered at the Atria Park of Vintage Hills senior center. Since there was a previously scheduled entertainment, the members worked on helping with Ice Cream Social that day. The members took orders from seniors, staff, and family members, making small talk with them as they worked. The members also helped Ms. Ina, one of the staff members, make arts and crafts poppies in preparation for an activity for Memorial Day tomorrow. Due to the higher influx of customers that day, the members extended the opening time for Ice Cream Social. After everyone had their orders given to them, the members finally cleaned up, placing toppings back on the shelf and in the refrigerator, closing up the tubs of ice cream, and wiping down the counter.


Aiying Lu : 1:30 – 3:30 / 2 hrs

Hsin Chen (Julie) Lu : 1:45 – 3:15 / 1.5 hrs

Reported by Adora Xiao :

On May 26, 2024, Murrieta AYLUS volunteered at local senior centers.
Arriving at the center, the volunteers found the residents already exercised and fed. Collecting a few of their empty pudding cups, the volunteers passed around the daily chronicle to the residents and took turns reading the paper. Fiddling with the TV, they put on a playlist of old classics karaoke for the residents to enjoy and passed out bells for the residents to ring. Afterwards, the volunteers put on nature documentaries for the residents to enjoy. Meanwhile, they helped the residents with small tasks like fixing their oxygen and making sure they didn’t fall off their chairs. After taking all the residents to lunch, the volunteers swept up the area.

Volunteers :

Wei LIu / Adora Xiao / Caien(Daisy) Chen: 10 am–12 pm / 2 hrs ea




Updated: July 21, 2024 — 9:02 pm

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