AYLUS Bellaire volunteered at the Beacon Homeless Services on May 12, 2024

On May 12th, AYLUS Bellaire branch members volunteered at The Beacon to prepare and serve meals for the homeless. The Beacon is a non-profit organization in Houston, TX that serves individuals experiencing homelessness by meeting daily needs and providing other daily services often taken for granted.
To aid The Beacon in serving fresh hot lunches to the homeless, some volunteers actively scooped entrees and sides onto the lunch tray for those in line while others washed and cut potatoes for The Beacon to use in the future. Lunch consisted of chicken or beef pasta, collard greens, beans, mac and cheese, and garden or fruit salad. After lunch was served, volunteers cleaned up the kitchen with rags and sanitizing spray– ensuring the cleanliness of the kitchen before calling it a day.
Volunteers not only served meals but also helped The Beacon with their mission of providing a way out of homelessness.
The following members volunteered (3 hours): Alexander Tang, Zijian Wang, Ryan Li, and Haowen Zhu
Reported by Alexander Tang
Updated: May 26, 2024 — 1:45 am

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