AYLUS Oyster Bay Attends the “ Be a Good Egg” Training Program on May 9, 2024

Written by Christina Mink

On May 9, 2024, AYLUS Oyster Bay members attended the “Be a Good Egg” online training program. During the training session, Erica Albert from Theodore Roosevelt Sanctuary and Nature Audubon gave a speech. She introduced many local breeding shorebirds, including their appearance, calls, characteristics, diet, and habits, such as the Piping Plover, American Oystercatcher, Common Tern, Least Tern, Black Skimmer, and more. Erica explained that some of these birds are terrestrial and colonial nesters, and covered topics like nests and incubation, semi-precocial and precocial young, parental care, and fledging.

She also emphasized the importance of keeping shorebirds safe from human disturbance and explained the safe distance to maintain. Additionally, Erica discussed how shorebirds benefit the environment by controlling insect and invertebrate populations, spreading nutrients, and serving as indicators of ecosystem health.

Our young members learned a lot about the science of shorebirds and their environmental impact. We are ready to visit various beaches on Long Island this summer as environmental ambassadors, encouraging people to “share the shore” with birds while visiting the beach!

Gratitude to the following 16 young volunteers, totaling 33 volunteer hours collectively.
Christina Mink 2.5 hrs, Wanying Yu 2 hrs, Hoilee Dai 2 hrs, Lorna Gao 2 hrs,  Pengyu Chen 2.5 hrs, Luke Chang 2 hrs, Shaodun Zhang 2 hrs, Yuqi Wu 2 hrs, Amanda Li 2 hrs, Eric Liu 2 hrs, Eric Matsuno 2 hrs, Yingzhou Ding 2 hrs, Lucas Ho 2 hrs, Titus Ho 2 hrs, Marcus Ho 2 hrs, Emily Zhang 2 hrs

Updated: May 25, 2024 — 12:22 am

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