AYLUS Great Neck Branch Tutoring Week 17(5/15/2024)

On 5/15/2024, Aylus Great Neck hosted another tutoring session for students at the Great Neck Library Station Branch. Our volunteers arrived to the library at around 4:30PM.

We had an unexpected student who only had a few questions about math; our volunteer Ruiqi Liu helped answer them, and the student left early.

After that, Ruiqi played some board games with two of the younger students that we had during this session. They had some fun with the games!

We had another student who was struggling with understanding the math questions in her school. Our volunteer Elaine Xing helped answer any questions she had about her homework.

Finally, our last student needed some help with her homework. Our volunteer Yucheng Fu helped her with her tasks, and also did some math questions with her to build her skills in the field.

After about an hour, the volunteers said their goodbyes and left.



Ruiqi Liu – 1 hour

Elaine Xing – 1 hour

Yucheng Fu – 1 hour

Updated: May 17, 2024 — 2:58 am

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