Columbus Branch Held Fundraising Book sale in a Local Chinese Language School on May 16th, 2024

Columbus Branch Donated Standardized Test Prep Books for Fundraising Sales on Feb 16th, 2024. They collected and donated AP, SAT, ACT, PSAT prep books and more for the end of year Fundraising sale at the Ohio Contemporary Chinese School’s graduation ceremony.

Members then volunteered at the Fundraising Sale Table to sell these standardized test prep books and books in Chinese in order to raise money for Dublin Food Pantry and Engineer Without Borders – OSU Chapter. In total, AYLUS raised $75 from this fundraiser.

Sale held between 11am – 3pm, plus book sorting, event setup and tear-down

Volunteer hours:

5 hours: Brenna Li

4 hours: Kyle Jiang:

1 hour: Estella Li, Maggie Zhang, Ayden He

Reported by Kyle Jiang

Reported by Brenna Li

Updated: May 22, 2024 — 6:32 pm

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