AYLUS Great Neck Branch Weekly Friday Inclusive Sports Day activity at Firefighter Park on 5/3/2024 (17th)

On May 3, 2024, the Aylus Great Neck branch hosted its weekly Friday Inclusive Sports Day activity at Firefighter Park to encourage interpersonal and outdoor activities for community kids, especially those with special needs. Our volunteers, including Andrew Qian, Zoe Xia, Melody Fan, Austin Wang, Yingxiang Liu, and Yuya Liu, arrived at Firefighter Park at 5:30 pm. When we first started, people who wanted to do sugar painting went ahead, while others played football or badminton. Later, we played tag and freeze tag. Over an hour and a half had passed, and both the volunteers and the kids had a great time.
During the process of participating in team sports like soccer or tag, kids gained valuable team spirit and promoted a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, the event serves as a beacon to promote families’ love of sports and encourages people to adopt healthy lifestyle habits from an early age. The campaign aims to inspire more parents and children to make sport an integral part of their lives by demonstrating the benefits of physical activity and the joy of participating in sports, thereby fostering a culture of health and vitality within the community.
Report by: Yingxiang Liu
Hours (5:30PM-7PM):
Yingxiang Liu, Andrew Qian, Zoe Xia, Melody Fan, Austin Wang, Yuya Liu(1.5hours)


Updated: May 22, 2024 — 12:06 pm

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