On April 7th, 2024 from 10am to 12pm, Three members of the AYLUS San Clemente Branch helped out at our 4th Community Clean Up. They were able to collect a variety of items like soda cans, water bottles, cigarettes, plastic bags, metal pins, and even dog poop bags that had been thrown around by their owners! Their journey started at the Aubergine Neighborhood, and from there they then ventured down towards the Esencia K-8 School, through a couple of neighborhoods, and then towards the shops lined along the Los Patrones Highway. Their last stop was the Esencia North Plunge and Sports Park, where they were finally able to rest after 2 hours of hard work!
Members who participated were: Elena Hsieh (2hrs), Laura Liu (2hrs) and Jasmine Zheng (2hrs)
Reported by Elena Hsieh