Sunday, March24 from 9:30am to 11:30am, AYLUS San Clemente members volunteered at Rancho Mission Viejo Spring Fling Egg Hunt event.
Due to a little rain in the forecast, this year’s Spring Fling Egg Hunt was held in doors at Pavilion Gym. Members were divided into several groups to help greeting and keeping people in line at petting zoo, photo op, and face painting. One big group of our volunteers was help set up the eggs for three groups of kids to participating the egg hunt. There were more than a thousand kids came to egg hunt this year.
At end, Ranch Life staffs thanked our volunteers for dedicating their time and energies for the event.
Members who participated this event were: Edward Leigh (2hrs), Jasmine Zheng (2hrs), Oliver Cao (2hrs), King Oung (2hrs), Kevin Zhou (2hrs), Eastwood Zhang (2hrs) and Clint Zhou (2hrs).
Reported by Elena Hsieh