Reported by Hsin Chen (Julie) Lu
On October 29, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members hosted a park clean-up at their adopted park, Meadows Park. As usual, the members split into two teams to maximize their time. Along with their usual selection of snack bags, paper waste, plastic straws, ballpoint pens, and bottle caps, the members found a weathered-down hoodie near the bushes. After they each finished their side of the park, the members headed to the parking lot. Happy that there weren’t any plastic or glass shards this time, the members were able to quickly pick up the scattered aluminum cans and more snack packages before throwing their bags away, filled to the brim with trash.
On October 29, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members hosted a park clean-up at their adopted park, Meadows Park. As usual, the members split into two teams to maximize their time. Along with their usual selection of snack bags, paper waste, plastic straws, ballpoint pens, and bottle caps, the members found a weathered-down hoodie near the bushes. After they each finished their side of the park, the members headed to the parking lot. Happy that there weren’t any plastic or glass shards this time, the members were able to quickly pick up the scattered aluminum cans and more snack packages before throwing their bags away, filled to the brim with trash.
Volunteers: Aiying Lu / Hsin Chen (Julie) Lu / Jessica Lu : 1 hr ea