Reported by ERIC LI
Between 10/13-10/24/2023, AYLUS San Diego Branch ran a shoe drive and collected almost 30 pairs of gently used adult size shoes. All were delivered to PATH San Diego on 10/25/2023.
Founded in 1983, PATH started by distributing food and clothing to people living on the streets. Now, over thirty years later, they provide services in more than 150 cities in five regions, and have more than 1,500 units of permanent supportive housing completed or in the pipeline. Since 2013, PATH have connected more than 9,000 people to permanent homes.
Throughout the county, PATH San Diego currently have one shelter facility, eight permanent supportive housing sites, and an Outreach team of 50+ workers that tackle streets of neighborhoods spanning from Oceanside to National City. We serve three main client populations: those currently unhoused, those in shelter space, and those in permanent housing. PATH San Diego’s mission is to end homelessness for individuals, families, and communities by building & providing affordable housing as well as offering a variety of supportive services. They have identified a major need of shoes by all the populations they serve. AYLUS San Diego joined and helped.
The following students have earned 1 hour of service time through this activity:
Felicity Chu
Brianna Chu
Maxwell Yang
Aliya Tang
Derek Chen
Eric Li
Andrew Zhou