Reported by Adora Xiao :
On Saturday, October 14th, Murrieta AYLUS members sold bottles for charity.
At a different recycling center, the volunteers counted out their bottles and sold them. Separating the sellable CRVs from other plastics and counting the different types of aluminum and glass. They ended up earning 23.08 dollars for their efforts to later be donated.
Volunteers :
Wei Liu / Adora Xiao : 1 hr ea
Reported by Jessica Lu :
On October 14th, 2023, Murrieta AYLUS members went to go recycle their collected recyclables.
They separated plastic bottles and cans into their own respective bins. They also put other CRV bottles aside in their own little box. Members earned a total of $25.88 for their recyclables and hope to collect more!
Volunteers :
Aiying Lu / Jessica Lu / Caien ( Daisy ) Chen / LingXuan (Justin) Zhang : 1 hr ea