AYLUS Scottsdale Volunteers at Feed My Starving Children (September 23, 2023)

On September 23, 2023, AYLUS Scottsdale attended an FMSC event to help give back to children in impoverished conditions around the world. Members packed, stored, and processed parts of Soy, Rice, Vegetables, and Vitamins for those who are starving from malnutrition. Members that attended include:

Session 5 (2.75 hours each)

  • Julia Zhang
  • Haley Niu
  • Sophia Lau
  • Catherine Lau
  • Melaniia Sivkovych
  • Zixin He
  • Abby Huang
  • Jarron Deng
  • Zhanyu (Ethan) Chen
  • Nathan Shi
  • Austin Gao
  • William Chu
  • Aiden Zhou
  • Samuel Chen
  • Michael Zhang
  • David Sun
  • William Wang
  • Alex Wang
  • Ran Cao
  • Michael Cao

Updated: October 1, 2023 — 10:16 pm

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