Members of AYLUS Syosset participated in a park clean up on 9/3/23 at Theodore Roosevelt Beach. We walking around the boardwalk, grassy areas, parking lots, shoreline and recreational centers the trails to pick up trash. Members worked together to help each other and find as much trash as possible. The most commonly found items were glass shards, glass bottles, food wrappers, bottle caps, cigarettes and plastic containers.
Millions of marine and terrestrial organisms are exposed to plastics and can suffocate, experience impaction and starve from the ingestion of excessive plastic. Not only does plastic itself have severe effects on wildlife, but when exposed to water for long periods the oceans can have fluctuations of harmful chemicals that seep out of the plastic. Thus it is extremely important to be more environmentally conscious about where we dispose of our waste and when possible, clean up after ourselves and each other.
Lastly, members engaged in balloon animal making. Members demonstrated and taught each other how to make various balloon sculptures including flowers, dogs and swords. Old and new members also gave introductions about themselves so that everyone would get to know each other. Two board members (president and secretary) also talked about what AYLUS’ goals are and new upcoming events.
Members include: 2.5 hours : Alyssa Huang, Rachel Zhang, Xihan Zhang, Thea Chen, Suiwai Li, Suiying Li, Canwen Wei, Sarah Chen, Rayya Zheng, Reyna Zheng, Haodong Wang, Haohua Wang, Kexuan Chen, Dexuan Chen, Yixuan Chen, Xuanming Liu, Xuanyu Liu
2h: Wangyang ji, Tyler Zhu, Rowen Zhu, Tianrui Zhou