On August 12, 2023, members of the AYLUS Bellaire Branch volunteered to build little free libraries for Houston Chinese Church Chinese School at Troop 222 Bellaire Scout House.
From 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, AYLUS volunteers along with scout volunteers built mini libraries for HCC Chinese School to promote reading. Volunteers split up into three groups; two groups would build the mini libraries and the third would paint. With adult supervision, volunteers used power tools like drills and saws to build the libraries and worked together to assemble them. After assembling, volunteers focused on painting/adding finishing touches. At around 3:30PM, volunteers started cleaning up. They packed any remaining screws and cleaned paint that had spilled onto the floor.
Volunteers finished building and painting a total of 2 mini libraries, one with and one without a shelf. Throughout the day, scout volunteers gradually left, but AYLUS volunteers stayed for the entire time.
The following AYLUS volunteers participated in this event (7 hours): Alexander Tang, Owen Cheng, Andrew Liu, Alan Du, and Danica Du
Reported by Owen Cheng