On August 8th, 2023, Columbus branch organized an in-person ice cream social event to promote volunteerism and the AYLUS organization in the local community.
A total of 30 members participated in the events, together with their family members, including parents and younger siblings (potential future AYLUS members), making it a great team-bonding opportunity. The members also invited 14 non-members and their families to the event. Two tri-fold posters were prepared/updated and presented at the event, introducing the history, goals, and past events of the Columbus branch, as well as information about the PVSA awards and how to join the branch. The informative posters attracted a lot of attentions from both parents and students. The 2022/2023 PVSA medals and certificates were also awarded at the event. Approximately 80 participants also enjoyed delicious ice cream, bubble tea, fruits, bakeries, as well as outdoor games. Everybody had a great time and came home with a high spirit of giving back to the community. We are also thankful for families who brought food and drink to share at the party.
The events were organized and executed by the student leaders. Volunteer hours:
Andrea Yu (2), Ayden He (4), Brenna Li (5.5), Catherine Harman (5), Estella Li (3), Maggie Zhang (2), Rachel Zhu (1)
Other members who also participated in the event inclulded Grace Fan, Hannah Fan, Sitan Gao, Chuqiao Guan, Tiany Guo, Joseph Guo, Eric Hong, Kyle Jiang, Ethan Liu, Katie Lu, Gavin Ni, June Ni, Alex Liu, Senona Shuai, Hannah Wang, Henry Wang, Patrick Wang, Aidan Li, Caroline Xi, Jeffrey Xie, Lyla Yi, Claire Zhao, and Daniel Zheng
Reported by Brenna Li